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Begin your transformative diabetes and foot care journey with us. From personalized treatment plans to compassionate support, we are committed to guiding you towards improved health and well-being every step of the way.


IconFrequently Asked Questions

Got Questions? We've Got Answers!

Living with diabetes and foot issues can raise many questions, especially when it comes to foot care. Dr. Durai’s Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic understands that knowledge is power. Here is a comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to address your concerns about your diabetes and foot health.

Diabetes is a health condition where the level of sugar in your blood becomes too high. Normally, our bodies use a hormone called insulin to help the sugar from the food we eat get into our cells, where it's used for energy. But with diabetes, either the body doesn't make enough insulin or it can't use the insulin it makes very well. This means the sugar stays in the blood and can't get into the cells properly. Over time, high blood sugar levels can cause problems with your health.

Long-term high blood sugar levels can cause a number of problems, such as harm to the blood vessels and nerves in the feet. This damage, known as diabetic neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease, can result in reduced sensation, poor circulation, and delayed wound healing in the feet.

Diabetes patients need to take extra care of their feet because they are more likely to experience foot problems. Nerve damage (neuropathy) can lead to reduced sensation, making it difficult to identify injuries or infections. Poor circulation can disrupt wound healing, increasing the risk of infections and ulcers. Proper foot care and treatment can help prevent these complications and maintain foot health.

Common foot problems for diabetic patients include neuropathy, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), foot ulcers, calluses, corns, fungal infections, and hammertoes. Neuropathy can cause numbness, tingling, or burning sensations in the feet, while PAD can result in reduced blood flow and poor wound healing. Foot ulcers are open sores or wounds that can become infected if not treated promptly. The Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic of Dr. Durai has solutions for all of these issues.

At Dr. Durai's clinic, we offer complete diabetic foot care services that focus on preventing and managing foot problems in diabetic patients. Our services include regular foot examinations, education on proper foot care techniques, treatment of foot problems such as ulcers and infections, wound care, and footwear customisation.

A foot corn is a small, localized area of thickened skin that develops in response to friction or pressure. In diabetic patients, foot corns can develop due to factors such as wearing ill-fitting shoes, foot deformities, or abnormal foot mechanics. Corns can cause discomfort or pain and may increase the risk of skin breakdown and ulceration if not managed properly. At Durai’s Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic, we provide special treatment for foot corn.

A burning sensation in the feet, also known as diabetic neuropathy, is caused by nerve damage resulting from high blood sugar levels. This damage can lead to abnormal sensations such as burning, tingling, or prickling in the feet. Burning feet can be caused by factors such as poor blood circulation, foot deformities, or wearing tight shoes. Special care and customised footwear from a specialised Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic like Dr. Durai’s Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic are recommended.

To begin managing your diabetes and foot care with us, start by scheduling your appointment. During your visit, our practitioner will conduct a comprehensive assessment, recommend necessary tests, and provide personalized recommendations from our expert doctor. Additionally, our dietitian will create a personalised diet and medication plan to help you effectively manage your condition.

Yes, Dr. Durai's Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic specializes in treating unhealing foot wounds associated with conditions like diabetes. With our professional doctors and comprehensive approach to diabetic foot care, we are equipped to effectively address and treat unhealing wounds, promoting healing and preventing further complications.

Dr. Durai's clinic specialises in providing comprehensive care for diabetes, focusing on identifying the root cause of the problem and offering personalised solutions to address it. Through complete investigation and personalized treatment plans, Dr. Durai aim to help patients achieve better control of their diabetes and improve their overall health and well-being. By addressing the underlying factors contributing to diabetes and providing appropriate treatment, Dr. Durai's Diabetes and Foot Care Clinic aims to allow individuals to lead healthier lives.

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